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“Serving children, youth & families since 1990”

We promote, foster and advance the heath, welfare and well being of children and their families. We do this by providing educational, recreational, cultural and residential services.

A passion for service

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank

Child Care Services

Early learning for children ages 2 to 5 years. We are available from 6a-6p daily. The school (play based learning) day operates from 9am-3pm. Nap and/or rest time is also available. Learn more.

Education Support Services

Small group tutoring sessions designed to improve confidence, understanding and academic performance, resulting in higher grades and or test scores. Learn more

Youth Enrichment Services

Offering a high-quality year-round school age experience for students ages 5-12. The environment is socially stimulating, challenging, rewarding and great fun! Learn more.

Social & Cultural Activities

Out of school enrichment including summer camp includes the arts, sports, clubs, literacy, and talent. Engaging youth developmental activities help rear mature, responsible, secure young adults. Activities are available for students ages 5-17.

Homeless Support Services

Case management, residential, food and clothing supports are offered to individuals experiencing homelessness. If you or someone you know is in need please text us. A case manager will reach out to you within 24hrs. 516.347.0156 (Text)

Private School

Experience high quality training and learning designed to ensure students excel socially, physically, intellectually, cognitively and emotional. Levels K-6.

An array of volunteer opportunities

We offer a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities to further your professional growth, experience and/or community service needs.

Benefits of volunteering

  • Collaborate with fellow volunteers.
  • Showcase your talents.
  • Experience the world of service.
  • Join the team.

ETS’ Newsletter

  • A world of thought-provoking articles.
  • Engaging content that celebrates people.
  • Exclusive access to quality services.

“If it isn’t the logical thing to do, don’t do it.”

Levada Felder

Executive Director

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